non-woven mask中文什么意思

发音:   用"non-woven mask"造句
  • non:    adv. 〔拉丁语〕非,不是 (=n ...
  • woven:    weave 的过去分词。
  • mask:    n. 1.假面具,伪装,掩蔽物;面罩 ...
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  1. Experts from the usa and japan participate in the specialized designed non - woven mask manufacturing flows and advanced technologies and processes as well as perfect test equipment , with more than 30 quality controllers and nearly 500 skillful workers , thus effectively ensuring our high efficiency , high stability and high quality for our production
    美日专家参与设计的专业无纺布面膜生产流程和先进的技术工艺、完备的检测设备、 30余人的品质检控人员和近500余人的熟练工人,有效的保证了我们生产的高效率,高稳定和高品质。
  2. The company has large technology and has 30 technicians . complete the testing function . the main products : pe apron , pe seleve cover , pe washing bag , pe bag , pe rubbish bag , pvc glove , pvc apron , cpe glove , cpe seleve cover . non - weaving mask , non - weaving seleve cover , non - weaving cloth , non - weaving jacket cover , non - weaving bag , hornely glove , wbber industrial glove ect . the products are selled europe , america , mid - east , asian ect total is us 15000000one year
    主要产品有: pe手套, pe围裙, pe鞋套, pe袖套, pe浴帽, pe洗衣袋, pe背心袋, pe垃圾袋, pvc手套, pvc围裙, cpe手套, cpe围裙, cpe鞋套,无纺布口罩,无纺布圆帽,无纺布鞋套,无纺布衣服,西服套,无纺布包袋,家用手套,乳胶工业手套,纱布片等。
  3. The company has large technology and has 30 technicians . complete the testing function . the main products : pe apron , pe seleve cover , pe washing bag , pe bag , pe rubbish bag , pvc glove , pvc apron , cpe glove , cpe seleve cover . non - weaving mask , non - weaving seleve cover , non - weaving cloth , non - weaving jacket cover , non - weaving bag , hornely glove , wbber industrial glove ect . the products are selled europe , america , mid - east , asian ect total is us 5000000one year
    主要产品有: pe手套, pe围裙, pe鞋套, pe袖套, pe浴帽, pe洗衣袋, pe背心袋, pe垃圾袋, pvc手套, pvc围裙, cpe手套, cpe围裙, cpe鞋套,无纺布口罩,无纺布圆帽,无纺布鞋套,无纺布衣服,西服套,无纺布包袋,家用手套,乳胶工业手套,纱布片等。


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